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Set List – for UL gig, 12 Mar 2009

Song Gerry Kieran Nigel Steve
1. Observations Lead (Bass) Vocals, guitar Guitar (chords) Lead (High)
2. Roadblock Vocals, guitar Sax or Whistle Guitar (Bass Lead) Djembe
3. Fall Off The Planet Lead (bass) Djembe & Tambourine Guitar (chords) Vocals, guitar
4. Everybody Vocals, guitar Sax Guitar Djembe
5. Soho Guitar (chords) & Harmonica (D) Sax Vocals, guitar Djembe
6. Chaos & Calm Harmonica (G) Vocals, guitar Guitar (chords) Djembe
7. Adios Lead Gtr Piano Guitar (chords) Vocals, guitar
8. Zero Lead Gtr Shaker Vocals, guitar Djembe

Posted in Rehearsals.

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  1. gerry says

    Thanks for sticking up the set list and starting off the Gallery, Steve. Barely minutes after the rehearsal finished…very impressive! I’ve tabulated the info and linked it to my posts related to my two songs.

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